Posted by : jennifer Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd

Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd (初音ミク Project DIVA F 2nd ) is a 2014 rhythm game created by Sega and Crypton Future Media for the PlayStation Vita and PlayStation 3. Its also the continue game for Project Diva f. The Vita version of the game will be compatible with the PlayStation Vita TV system. The game was released in Japan on March 27, 2014, and soon will be e released in North America and Europe in Q3 2014.

Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd

Crypton Future Media
SeriesHatsune Miku: Project DIVA
Platform(s)PlayStation Vita,PlayStation 3
Release date(s)
  • JP March 27, 2014
  • NA Q3 2014
  • EU Q3 2014
Genre(s)Rhythm game


The game was publicly announced on 9 July 2013 in a preview for the July 25th issue of Enterbrain's Famitsu magazine. It was reported that at the time of the announcement, development of the game was 39% complete.

The character modules are designed by Kuushin, Nezuki, and Sakura/Alice. The full original cast from the previous game is set to be present in Project Diva F 2nd.

An initial preview playable demo for the PlayStation Vita featuring three songs was made available from 17–23 October 2013. A second demo was released on the Japanese PlayStation Network following the game's release.


The game is set to have a similar play style to its predecessor, Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F, whilst featuring new songs, returning songs from previous games, and character modules.New in-game mechanisms original to the game include sliding touchscreen notes, and double scratch notes. The DIVA room also features various minigames that can be played, including a clapping game.Another new addition to Project DIVA F 2nd over the previous game is the ability to change skins for the rhythm game mode, where decorative skin designs can be downloaded as DLC. The game features cross-save support between PS Vita and PS3 systems. The game tutorial, featuring "Ievan Polkka" just like the previous game, now also includes an extreme mode for advanced players in addition to the standard tutorial for beginners.

When played on a PS Vita TV device, the rhythm game features will be available, however AR features relying on the handheld PS Vita's camera will not be accessible. TheDualShock 3 controls will be identical to the PS3 version, and a timing adjustment function will be available to take into account of television display lag, just like with the PS3 version.


The game was given a review score of 37/40 by Famitsu for the PS Vita version, and 36/40 for the PS3 version. During the first week of release in Japan, the PS Vita version of the game sold 98,628 physical retail copies, ranking first place amongst all software sales in Japan within that week, whilst the PS3 version sold 59,965 physical retail copies, taking third place.

Song list 

A total of 40 playable songs are confirmed to be available in the initial game,in addition to another set of songs exclusively for AR Mode, and plans for additional downloadable content to be released in the future. Individual songs appearing within the game are listed below.

Song List
Song NamePerformed ByProducer
Ievan Polkka (Tutorial mode)Hatsune MikuOtomania
"Akatsuki Arrival" (アカツキアライヴァル)Hatsune MikuLast Note
"Glory 3usi9"Hatsune MikuNanou
"Two Breaths Walking" (二息歩行)Hatsune MikuDECO*27
"Like Dislike" (スキキライ)Kagamine Rin
Kagamine Len
"Yubikiri" (指切り)Hatsune MikuScop
"Blackjack"Megurine LukaYucha-P
"Karakuri Pierrot" (からくりピエロ)Hatsune Miku40mP
"Spoofing Genga" (なりすましゲンガー)Kagamine Rin
Hatsune Miku
"Knife"Kagamine Rin
Hatsune Miku
Kagamine Len
"This is the Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee" (こちら、幸福安心委員会です。)Hatsune MikuUtata-P
"Cantarella ~grace edition~" (カンタレラ ~grace edition~)KAITO
Hatsune Miku
Kurousa P
"Hello, Worker"Megurine LukaKEI
"Meteor" (メテオ)Hatsune MikuJohn Zeroness
"Kowase Kowase" (壊せ壊せ)MEIKOELVN
"soundless voice"Kagamine Len
Kagamine Rin (guest)
"Erase or Zero"KAITO
Kagamine Len
Crystal P
"Kagerou Days" (カゲロウデイズ)Hatsune MikuJin
"Envy Catwalk" (エンヴィキャットウォーク)Hatsune MikuToma
"DECORATOR"Hatsune Miku
Kagamine Rin (guest)
Kagamine Len (guest)
Megurine Luka (guest)
KAITO (guest)
MEIKO (guest)
"Nijigen Dream Fever" (二次元ドリームフィーバー?)Hatsune MikuPolyphonicBranch
"Packaged"Hatsune Mikulivetune
"Pair of Wintry Winds" (番凩 Tsugai Kogarashi)MEIKO
"Clover Club" (クローバー♣クラブ)Hatsune MikuYuuyu-P
"Miracle Paint" (ミラクルペイント)Hatsune MikuOSTER project
"Colorful x Melody" (カラフル×メロディ)Hatsune Miku
Kagamine Rin
"A Thousand Year Solo" (千年の独奏歌)KAITOyanagiP
"Meltdown" (炉心融解)Kagamine RinIroha(sasaki)
"Luka Luka★Night Fever" (ルカルカ★ナイトフィーバー)Megurine Lukasamfree
"SPiCa -39′s Giving Day Edition-"Hatsune MikuToku-P
"Romeo and Cinderella" (ロミオとシンデレラ)Hatsune Mikudoriko
"Kokoro" (ココロ)Kagamine RinTravolta
"Musunde Hiraite Rasetsu to Mukuro" (結ンデ開イテ羅刹ト骸)Hatsune MikuHachi
"Double Lariat" (ダブルラリアット)Megurine LukaAgoaniki
"Paradichlorobenzene" (パラジクロロベンゼン)Kagamine LenOwata-P
"Ura-Omote Lovers" (裏表ラバーズ)Hatsune Mikuwowaka-P
"The Intense Singing of Hatsune Miku" (初音ミクの激唱)Hatsune Mikucosmo@暴走-P
"Melt" (メルト)Hatsune Mikuryo
"Sakura no Ame" (桜ノ雨)Hatsune Mikuhalyosy
"Miku Miku ni Shite Ageru [Shite Yanyo]" (みくみくにしてあげる♪【してやんよ】)Hatsune Mikuika_mo
"World is Mine" (ワールドイズマイン)Hatsune Mikuryo
"Sweet Devil"Hatsune Miku八王子P (Hachioji-P)
"Cat Food" (キャットフード)Hatsune Mikudoriko
"Piano×Forte×Scandal" (ピアノ×フォルテ×スキャンダル)MEIKOOSTER project
"Tokyo Teddy Bear" (東京テディベア?)Kagamine RinNeru
"glow"Hatsune Mikukeeno
"Tell Your World" (DLC)Hatsune Mikukz(livetune)
"ODDS&ENDS" (DLC)Hatsune Mikuryo (Supercell)
  • Songs with no background are new songs first introduced in Project DIVA F 2nd.
  • Songs with a red background are returning songs from earlier Project DIVA games.
  • Songs with a green background are "Re:Create songs" with new PVs.
  • Songs with an orange background are playable DLC songs, and must be purchased on the PlayStation Network.
  • Songs with a yellow background are songs only available in AR Mode or Live Stage Mode.

Vocaloid Character
Hatsune Miku

Hatsune Miku (初音ミク) is a Japanese Vocaloid developed and distributed by Crypton Future Media, Inc., and was initially released in August 2007 for the Vocaloid2 engine. She is part of the Character Vocal Series and is a Character Voice Vocaloid. She is the main character in Project Diva f. Her age 16 years old and she loves leeks.

Miku in PDF 2nd

Miku's Gameplay screenshoot

Kagamine Rin & Len

Kagamine Rin / Len (鏡音リン ・レン) are Japanese VOCALOIDs developed and distributed by Crypton Future Media, Inc., and were initially released in December 2007 for the VOCALOID2engine. They are part of the Character Vocal Series and are both Character Voice Vocaloids. Both of them are twins, thet also part of Project Diva f character. Their ages are 15 year old and both of them have their own favorites food. Rin loves Oranges and Len loves Bananas

Kagamine Rin in PDF 2nd

Kagamine Len in PDF 2nd

Kagamine Twins Gameplay screenshoots 

Megurine Luka

Megurine Luka (巡音ルカ) is a Japanese VOCALOID developed and distributed by Crypton Future Media, Inc., and was initially released in January 2009 for the VOCALOID2 engine. She is part of the Character Vocal Series and is a Character Voice Vocaloid. She is one of 6 character in the game. Her age is 20 year old and she loves Tuna~

Meguine Luka in PDF 2nd 

Luka's Gameplay screenshoots 


Kaito is a Japanese VOCALOID developed and distributed by Crypton Future Media, Inc., and was initially released in February 2006 for the first VOCALOID engine.He is one of two male characters in the game. His age is unknown but I think his age is around the middle age, around 27 years old... His favorite food is Ice Cream !

KAITO ( V3 ) in PDF 2nd

KAITO's Gameplay Screenshoots


Meiko is a Japanese VOCALOID developed and distributed by Crypton Future Media, Inc., and was initially released in November 2004 for the first VOCALOID engine. She is the older vocaloid and she is also the character in the game. Her age is unknown too... Her favorite food is One Cup Ozeki (sake).

MEIKO in PDF 2nd
MEIKO's Gameplay Screenshoots


Glory 3usi9 Screenshoot

SPiCa -39′s Giving Day Edition- Screenshoot

Knife Screenshoot

Blackjack Screenshoot

Cantarella ~grace edition~ Screenshoot

Pair of Wintry Winds Screenshoot

Kowase Kowase Screenshoot

DECORATOR Screenshoot

Two Breaths Walking Screenshoot

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